Oral Histories

The heart of the SlackWater Center has always been oral history. The SlackWater Archive includes over 600 oral histories, and we’re adding more all the time. You can browse this collection by name or category and see, in most cases, verbatim transcripts of the interview.


Since 2019, students at St. Mary’s College of Maryland have been producing podcasts about Southern Maryland, using both new and archived interviews. Some of these are now available on SlackWater Online, as well as through normal podcast distribution channels like Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


These stories are rooted in the lives of Southern Marylanders. Many of the pieces in this section are edited oral histories; others are journalistic or creative pieces.


Browse through our catalog of Southern Maryland photos, or dig deeper in the SMCM photo archives

SlackWater Print Volumes

From 1998’s volume about St. George Island, to 2022’s volume about “Times of Watershed on the Chesapeake,” you can order paper copies of the back issues of the SlackWater print Journal.